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TerminalTag 2017

Der 3rd TerminalTag on YouTube

The 3rd TerminalTag 2017 was dedicated to the exchange across the borders of Germany to integrate current input from the neighboring countries Switzerland and Austria. As a central transit and destination region, the DACH region plays an eminently important role in combined transport in Europe. The general theme of the TerminalTag was: Making use of cross-innovations from other sectors, which experiences can be usefully transferred to CT? In addition to speakers on innovative vehicle technology, such as platooning, the e-barge or the catenary truck, there were also digital topics such as the use of blockchain technology and the danger of cybercrime in logistics.
Video 1 Terminal Tag 2017
Video 2 Terminal Tag 2017
Video 3 Terminal Tag 2017

The #TerminalTag on Twitter and in the press

TerminalTag 2017 auf Twitter

Impressionen vom TerminalTag 2017 begleitet von Herausforderungen und Interviews.

Lernen vom Nachbarn

SGKV-TerminalTag zeigt Ansätze, wie DACH-Länder ihre Mittel effizienter einsetzen könnten

Crosseffekte im KV

Der KV profitiert von neuen Technologien wie Oberleitungs-LKW, Platooning und Lang-LKW.

Impressions from the 3rd TerminalTag

More pictures on Flickr