The Studiengesellschaft für den Kombinierten Verkehr e.V. (SGKV), translated as the German Promotion Centre for Intermodal Transport seeks to promote the relevance of intermodal and rational transport chains. The goal of the research association is to strengthen and further develop Combined Transport by bringing the research and practice together.
As a neutral and non-profit Organisation, SGKV brings over 80 members under one roof: From terminal operators to operators of universities and freight forwarding agencies. Here, everyone is with the common goal of making the freight transport in Germany and Europe environmentally friendly, efficient and more sustainable by means of intelligent intermodal transport chains.
CT has many facets, opinions and business models. However, in order to develop a holistic and integrated transport system that is capable of handling the freight transport of the future in an environmentally friendly, efficient and sustainable manner, an overarching and neutral entity is required to collate the opinions and communicate them. The SGKV envisages to be such a platform for communication in Combined Transport.
According to the articles of society registration (§1 Para. 3) the purpose of SGKV is to research and promote in practice the rational combination of intra-business, inter-business, national, international transport and transhipment. Therefore, it promotes the usage of Combined Transport as an environmentally friendly combination of transport modes to achieve environmental protection.